Book Review: “Bad Science” by Dr Ben Goldacre

First published September 21, 2016


In preparation for Dr Ben Goldacre’s Australia/New Zealand tour this week, we’re catching up on his bestsellers.


“Bad Science” by Bad Science. Pic: The Medical Startup

A British medical doctor and former Guardian columnist devoted to medical research and epidemiology, Dr Goldacre breaks down the complexities of evidence-based research in his first book, “Bad Science.”  Whether you’re a newcomer to the medical industry or science in general, or even if you’re a full-time health professional who finds research mind-boggling, “Bad Science” tells you what to look out for in scientific papers, without making you feel lost. Using examples from cosmetics, detoxification treatments, homeopathy and more, Ben illustrates the flaws in common marketing claims and helpfully draws the reader to understand the importance of high-quality scientific research.

What makes a poor-quality study? How can a non-scientist understand what to look out for when reading through a product’s claims or a research paper? In medical innovation, quality research data helps to validate your solution, and medical startups have the responsibility to “first do no harm,” just as clinicians do. For startups, health professionals and the public alike, this book is a must – and it’s a quick read, too.

To buy tickets for Ben’s tour this week, click here
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